Saying No Will Help You Find the Perfect Book
One day walking a friend asks me, “Maddie, how do you choose which books to read next?”
This question exists for so many people, hobby readers and people attempting to get into a new book. The anxiety of how to pick just one book freezes people. So they reach for their phone or remote instead.
Reading is not easy and requires practice to develop an enjoyable daily habit. Great stories exist all around us and we must sift through them to pick the perfect one for us, at the time in our life when the words will impact us most.
The key to snagging that perfect book and finishing it cover to cover is saying no. Be prepared to put down books that are not for you. Get comfortable with prejudging every book cover that comes across your lap. To get started reading and sustaining reading habits, choose what works for you. Do not begin with I was pleasantly surprised books. Invest in a title you know you are going to love.
This summer I became friends with a romance novelist. While we were discussing plot points one day, someone overheard us and popped in with their two cents.
“You are so bold to admit you write that stuff. Do you use a pen name?”
1. Rude
2. Wow…do you even read?
3. This is who leaves nasty comments on the internet.
She had the best response though.
“Romance fiction is the reason you even have paper book backs available to you. Romance drives over 70% of book sales…everywhere. Check me. Also, I am really sorry you are not confident enough to read what you truly like.”
Boom. She hit it right on the head. Read what you like.
Every day we are forced to read documents at work, advertisements in magazines, paperwork at the doctor’s office. If you plan to enjoy leisure reading then be a little picky. And fly that title high in the air. Someone worked many hours to write that story you do not want to put down.
Today, when you are staring down the MASSIVE pile of books you accumulated, pull out the map I created, to guide you to the one you should be reading today.
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