“My heartaches outnumber the stars.”
Read More“The women that rose up were not replacing a queen, they were replacing the king, who left. They were the shadow kings.”
Read More“Sometimes the world thinks something is not possible, but it turns out that they can be wrong. Even fancy scientists can be wrong.” ~Andrew David MacDonald
Read MoreLillian lets the children burn and in their catharsis she becomes open to burning away her own pain.
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More than just family history, The Old Drift is a complex narrative of blood relations.
Read More“The revolutionary act is to imagine what makes us similar.”
Read More“And what, I wonder, would owning a house mean for me?”
Read MoreMaurice Hannigan stalls until the very last night of his life to experience and reflect on all the feels from his eighty-four years.
Read MoreEach character arrives at the Big Oakland Pow Wow a different person with unique experiences yet Tommy Orange reveals through their background story one element they all share, a hope for connection to their community.
Read MoreGood stories work well to disarm us.
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